Home and holidays are great but getting back to school has so many joys too! The best one, of course, is in being reunited with friends with so many stories to tell from all that time spent apart: travels, holiday celebrations, gifts received over Christmas, etc… Then there’s getting back to the everyday pleasures of learning the letters, math and new discoveries about our world and the treasures it contains, etc…
Another celebration at the start of the year comes around quickly too, the ‘Galette des rois et reines’! Each child took time to create their own crown and the GS & MS created their own ‘fèves’/ lucky charms too.
The school celebration took place on the 17th of January and all took part in helping make the galettes in the morning.
That afternoon, after completing the final touches on costumes, crowns and figurines we gathered to share the galettes and do some collective games.
We had a royal council …
Delicious Galettes and good fun…