We work regularly with the
children on mindfullness and appreciating the ‘here and now’. They learn to find an inner calm and to take a step back to listen to and feel the world around them, through yoga, dance and massage, for instance.
So when Ken Homer from the States, Marion Chapsal and
Etienne Collignon(The Learning Person http://thelearningperson.com/qui-je-suis/), wanted to come and lead a meditation workshop with the children, we jumped at the chance!
With his soothing voice, Ken took the children on a relaxing inner journey, after which they were keen to share their thoughts and
feelings. The children moved around and were encouraged to look into each others’ eyes, to really look at each other and acknowledge the existence and the value of the other.
Everyone did a drawing and Ken, Marion and Etienne took the time to look at each drawing ad interact with each child.
Our uplifting afternoon was rounded off by a good old-fashioned Beatles sing-along around the piano!